Helping navigate challenging behaviours

Comprehensive Positive Behaviour Support for NDIS participants

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Through our comprehensive Positive Behaviour Support plans, our key objectives are:

Understanding Communication

We aim to understand the meaning conveyed by the person's behaviours, ensuring that we comprehend their needs and emotions.

Enhancing Quality of Life

Our goal is to enhance the overall quality of the participant’s life, making their experiences more positive and meaningful.

Environmental Adjustments

We work on creating positive changes in the environment to influence the participant’s behaviours beneficially.

Skill Development

Our approach involves teaching participants new skills, helping them respond differently to various situations.

Effective Strategies

We provide families and support networks with practical and efficient strategies to manage and respond to challenging behaviours.

Our Positive Behaviour Support Plans strives to introduce positive changes into the lives of both participants and their caregivers. By promoting understanding, skill growth, and strategic interventions, we create an environment that encourages personal development, effective communication, and overall well-being.

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